Transcript: {
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A transcript object

Type declaration

  • acoustic_model: string

    The acoustic model that was used for the transcript

  • audio_url: string

    The URL of the media that was transcribed

  • auto_highlights: boolean

    Whether Key Phrases is enabled, either true or false

  • id: string

    The unique identifier of your transcript

  • language_model: string

    The language model that was used for the transcript

  • redact_pii: boolean

    Whether PII Redaction is enabled, either true or false

  • speech_model: SpeechModel | null

    The speech model used for the transcription. When null, the default model is used.

  • status: TranscriptStatus

    The status of your transcript. Possible values are queued, processing, completed, or error.

  • summarization: boolean

    Whether Summarization is enabled, either true or false

  • webhook_auth: boolean

    Whether webhook authentication details were provided

  • Optionalaudio_duration?: number | null

    The duration of this transcript object's media file, in seconds

  • Optionalaudio_end_at?: number | null

    The point in time, in milliseconds, in the file at which the transcription was terminated

  • Optionalaudio_start_from?: number | null

    The point in time, in milliseconds, in the file at which the transcription was started

  • Optionalauto_chapters?: boolean | null

    Whether Auto Chapters is enabled, can be true or false

  • Optionalauto_highlights_result?: AutoHighlightsResult | null

    An array of results for the Key Phrases model, if it is enabled. See Key Phrases for more information.

  • Optionalboost_param?: string | null

    The word boost parameter value

  • Optionalchapters?: Chapter[] | null

    An array of temporally sequential chapters for the audio file

  • Optionalconfidence?: number | null

    The confidence score for the transcript, between 0.0 (low confidence) and 1.0 (high confidence)

  • Optionalcontent_safety?: boolean | null

    Whether Content Moderation is enabled, can be true or false

  • Optionalcontent_safety_labels?: ContentSafetyLabelsResult | null

    An array of results for the Content Moderation model, if it is enabled. See Content moderation for more information.

  • Optionalcustom_spelling?: TranscriptCustomSpelling[] | null

    Customize how words are spelled and formatted using to and from values

  • Optionalcustom_topics?: boolean | null

    Whether custom topics is enabled, either true or false

  • Optionaldisfluencies?: boolean | null

    Transcribe Filler Words, like "umm", in your media file; can be true or false

  • Optionaldual_channel?: boolean | null

    Whether Dual channel transcription was enabled in the transcription request, either true or false

  • Optionalentities?: Entity[] | null

    An array of results for the Entity Detection model, if it is enabled. See Entity detection for more information.

  • Optionalentity_detection?: boolean | null

    Whether Entity Detection is enabled, can be true or false

  • Optionalerror?: string

    Error message of why the transcript failed

  • Optionalfilter_profanity?: boolean | null

    Whether Profanity Filtering is enabled, either true or false

  • Optionalformat_text?: boolean | null

    Whether Text Formatting is enabled, either true or false

  • Optionaliab_categories?: boolean | null

    Whether Topic Detection is enabled, can be true or false

  • Optionaliab_categories_result?: TopicDetectionModelResult | null

    The result of the Topic Detection model, if it is enabled. See Topic Detection for more information.

  • Optionallanguage_code?: LiteralUnion<TranscriptLanguageCode, string>

    The language of your audio file. Possible values are found in Supported Languages. The default value is 'en_us'.

  • Optionallanguage_detection?: boolean | null

    Whether Automatic language detection is enabled, either true or false

  • Optionalpunctuate?: boolean | null

    Whether Automatic Punctuation is enabled, either true or false

  • Optionalredact_pii_audio?: boolean | null

    Whether a redacted version of the audio file was generated, either true or false. See PII redaction for more information.

  • Optionalredact_pii_audio_quality?: RedactPiiAudioQuality | null

    The audio quality of the PII-redacted audio file, if redact_pii_audio is enabled. See PII redaction for more information.

  • Optionalredact_pii_policies?: PiiPolicy[] | null

    The list of PII Redaction policies that were enabled, if PII Redaction is enabled. See PII redaction for more information.

  • Optionalredact_pii_sub?: SubstitutionPolicy

    The replacement logic for detected PII, can be "entity_type" or "hash". See PII redaction for more details.

  • Optionalsentiment_analysis?: boolean | null

    Whether Sentiment Analysis is enabled, can be true or false

  • Optionalsentiment_analysis_results?: SentimentAnalysisResult[] | null

    An array of results for the Sentiment Analysis model, if it is enabled. See Sentiment Analysis for more information.

  • Optionalspeaker_labels?: boolean | null

    Whether Speaker diarization is enabled, can be true or false

  • Optionalspeakers_expected?: number | null

    Tell the speaker label model how many speakers it should attempt to identify, up to 10. See Speaker diarization for more details.

  • Optionalspeech_threshold?: number | null

    Defaults to null. Reject audio files that contain less than this fraction of speech. Valid values are in the range [0", 1] inclusive.

  • Optionalspeed_boost?: boolean | null

    Whether speed boost is enabled

  • Optionalsummary?: string | null

    The generated summary of the media file, if Summarization is enabled

  • Optionalsummary_model?: string | null

    The Summarization model used to generate the summary, if Summarization is enabled

  • Optionalsummary_type?: string | null

    The type of summary generated, if Summarization is enabled

  • Optionaltext?: string | null

    The textual transcript of your media file

  • Optionalthrottled?: boolean | null

    True while a request is throttled and false when a request is no longer throttled

  • Optionaltopics?: string[]

    The list of custom topics provided if custom topics is enabled

  • Optionalutterances?: TranscriptUtterance[] | null

    When dual_channel or speaker_labels is enabled, a list of turn-by-turn utterance objects. See Speaker diarization for more information.

  • Optionalwebhook_auth_header_name?: string | null

    The header name to be sent with the transcript completed or failed webhook requests

  • Optionalwebhook_status_code?: number | null

    The status code we received from your server when delivering the transcript completed or failed webhook request, if a webhook URL was provided

  • Optionalwebhook_url?: string | null

    The URL to which we send webhook requests. We sends two different types of webhook requests. One request when a transcript is completed or failed, and one request when the redacted audio is ready if redact_pii_audio is enabled.

  • Optionalword_boost?: string[]

    The list of custom vocabulary to boost transcription probability for

  • Optionalwords?: TranscriptWord[] | null

    An array of temporally-sequential word objects, one for each word in the transcript. See Speech recognition for more information.

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"text": "Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in Canada is triggering air quality alerts throughout the US. Skylines from Maine to Maryland to Minnesota are gray and smoggy. And in some places, the air quality warnings include the warning to stay inside. We wanted to better understand what's happening here and why, so we called Peter de Carlo, an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University Varsity. Good morning, professor. Good morning. What is it about the conditions right now that have caused this round of wildfires to affect so many people so far away? Well, there's a couple of things. The season has been pretty dry already. And then the fact that we're getting hit in the US. Is because there's a couple of weather systems that are essentially channeling the smoke from those Canadian wildfires through Pennsylvania into the Mid Atlantic and the Northeast and kind of just dropping the smoke there. So what is it in this haze that makes it harmful? And I'm assuming it is harmful. It is. The levels outside right now in Baltimore are considered unhealthy. And most of that is due to what's called particulate matter, which are tiny particles, microscopic smaller than the width of your hair that can get into your lungs and impact your respiratory system, your cardiovascular system, and even your neurological your brain. What makes this particularly harmful? Is it the volume of particulant? Is it something in particular? What is it exactly? Can you just drill down on that a little bit more? Yeah. So the concentration of particulate matter I was looking at some of the monitors that we have was reaching levels of what are, in science, big 150 micrograms per meter cubed, which is more than ten times what the annual average should be and about four times higher than what you're supposed to have on a 24 hours average. And so the concentrations of these particles in the air are just much, much higher than we typically see. And exposure to those high levels can lead to a host of health problems. And who is most vulnerable? I noticed that in New York City, for example, they're canceling outdoor activities. And so here it is in the early days of summer, and they have to keep all the kids inside. So who tends to be vulnerable in a situation like this? It's the youngest. So children, obviously, whose bodies are still developing. The elderly, who are their bodies are more in decline and they're more susceptible to the health impacts of breathing, the poor air quality. And then people who have preexisting health conditions, people with respiratory conditions or heart conditions can be triggered by high levels of air pollution. Could this get worse? That's a good question. In some areas, it's much worse than others. And it just depends on kind of where the smoke is concentrated. I think New York has some of the higher concentrations right now, but that's going to change as that air moves away from the New York area. But over the course of the next few days, we will see different areas being hit at different times with the highest concentrations. I was going to ask you about more fires start burning. I don't expect the concentrations to go up too much higher. I was going to ask you how and you started to answer this, but how much longer could this last? Or forgive me if I'm asking you to speculate, but what do you think? Well, I think the fires are going to burn for a little bit longer, but the key for us in the US. Is the weather system changing. And so right now, it's kind of the weather systems that are pulling that air into our mid Atlantic and Northeast region. As those weather systems change and shift, we'll see that smoke going elsewhere and not impact us in this region as much. And so I think that's going to be the defining factor. And I think the next couple of days we're going to see a shift in that weather pattern and start to push the smoke away from where we are. And finally, with the impacts of climate change, we are seeing more wildfires. Will we be seeing more of these kinds of wide ranging air quality consequences or circumstances? I mean, that is one of the predictions for climate change. Looking into the future, the fire season is starting earlier and lasting longer, and we're seeing more frequent fires. So, yeah, this is probably something that we'll be seeing more frequently. This tends to be much more of an issue in the Western US. So the eastern US. Getting hit right now is a little bit new. But yeah, I think with climate change moving forward, this is something that is going to happen more frequently. That's Peter De Carlo, associate professor in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Sergeant Carlo, thanks so much for joining us and sharing this expertise with us. Thank you for having me.",
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"summary": "Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in Canada is triggering air quality alerts throughout the US. Skylines from Maine to Maryland to Minnesota are gray and smoggy. In some places, the air quality warnings include the warning to stay inside.",
"gist": "Smoggy air quality alerts across US",
"headline": "Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in Canada is triggering air quality alerts across US",
"start": 250,
"end": 28840
"summary": "Air pollution levels in Baltimore are considered unhealthy. Exposure to high levels can lead to a host of health problems. With climate change, we are seeing more wildfires. Will we be seeing more of these kinds of wide ranging air quality consequences?",
"gist": "What is it about the conditions right now that have caused this round",
"headline": "High particulate matter in wildfire smoke can lead to serious health problems",
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"text": "Johns Hopkins University Varsity",
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"summary": "- Smoke from hundreds of wildfires in Canada is triggering air quality alerts throughout the US. Skylines from Maine to Maryland to Minnesota are gray and smoggy. In some places, the air quality warnings include the warning to stay inside.\\n- Air pollution levels in Baltimore are considered unhealthy. Exposure to high levels can lead to a host of health problems. With climate change, we are seeing more wildfires. Will we be seeing more of these kinds of wide ranging air quality consequences?",
"speakers_expected": 2